Julianne Cantarella is a Licensed Social Worker and Certified Relationship Coach who has spent her entire career helping those in need. After years of working with some of the most vulnerable populations when she was presented with the unique opportunity to help people find love and create the relationship of their dreams through matchmaking and date coaching.

After 15 years in the Matchmaking industry, it became clear to Julianne that her true purpose is to EMPOWER women to take control of their love lives so they can create the relationship they desire and deserve. A renowned relationship expert and dating coach, Julianne is the creator of a comprehensive one-of-a-kind, transformational- date coaching program, From First Date to Soulmate™, that has helped hundreds of women find love.

Julianne is recognized nationally as a Relationship Expert has been featured on CBS, Live From the Couch where she was identified as New Jersey’s Top Relationship Expert. She has also appeared on the Dr. Joy Show, Power Your Life, Hip New Jersey and IHeart Radio and was a part of the “This Emotional Life Project” for PBS as well as numerous podcasts.